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Showing 84 results ( 1 - 84 ) out of 84 Vacancies for search term:
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GP Maternity Locum
10 Bughtlin Market Edinburgh EH12 8XP
GP Locum 6-8 sessions with view to Partnership
Kingsgate Medical Practice Bathgate Primary Care Centre Whitburn Road Bathgate West Lothian EH48 2SS
Locum/ Salaried GP
1 Weavers Lane Whitburn EH47 0SD
201940 Practice Educator
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
Practice Nurse
Annandale Medical Practice Bellevue Medical Centre, 26 Huntingdon Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AT
Medical Receptionist/ Administrator
Tollcross Health Centre,10 Ponton Street,Edinburgh EH3 9QQ
Practice Nurse
24 Gracemount Drive EH16 6RN
Roslin Practice Manager - Full Time
122 Penicuik Road, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9NT
Practice Manager
Tranent Medical Practice, Loch Road, Tranent, East Lothian EH33 2JX
Medical receptionist/administrator
1 Weavers Lane Whitburn EH47 0SD
Practice Manager
1 Weavers Lane Whitburn EH47 0SD
193694 Medical Receptionist PCA
Sighthill Health Centre
Consultant Rheumatology sjm
Western General Hospital
201079 (SM) Advanced Occupational Therapy Practitioner
Astley Ainslie Hospital
Consultant in General Surgery
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
201104 Consultant Anaesthetist
St John's Hospital
201256 - Clinical Nurse Specialist (LC)
Western General Hospital
201439 - Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry
Royal Edinburgh Hospital
201561 Blood Borne Virus Prevention Worker (KMc)
Spittal Street Centre
201578 - Lead Pharmacist - Medicine of the Elderly (AJM)
Western General Hospital
201589 Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner (KMc)
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
NHSL 201651 Applied Psychologist (LI)
Astley Ainslie Hospital
201769 Nursing Activities Co-Ordinator (LAM)
Midlothian Community Hospital
201777 Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner (LAM)
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
201787 Advance Physiotherapy Practitioner (LAM)
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
NHSL 201845 Clinical Nurse Specialist - CAMHS (LMD)
Pennywell All Care Centre
201866 - Deputy Charge Nurse (LC)
Western General Hospital
201871 Administration Officer
Astley Ainslie Hospital
NHSL 201874 Catering Assistant (LMD)
St John's Hospital
Primary Care Mental Health Nurse
East Lothian Community Hospital
201890 Specialist Cancer Care Pharmacist
Western General Hospital
NHSL 201894 GI Nurse Specialist (LMD)
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
201899 - Occupational Therapist (LC)
East Lothian Community Hospital
NHSL 201916 Physiotherapy Assistant Practitioner (LMD)
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
201925 - Catering Assistant (LC)
Western General Hospital
201935 Catering Assistant
Astley Ainslie Hospital
201941 Clinical Admin Staff Team Lead
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
201944 - Rheumatology Nurse Specialist (LC)
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
Catering Assistant
St John's Hospital
202058 R1 - Principal Nuclear Medicine Physicist (AJM)
Western General Hospital
202099 (PP) Senior Research Nurse
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
202103 Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner (KMc)
East Lothian Community Hospital
202115 Waiting List Assistant (AP)
Western General Hospital
Driver - Band 2 - GH
Western General Hospital
202146 Clerical Officer (AP)
St John's Hospital
NHSL 202150 Research and Development Coordinator (LI)
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
202155 Patient Movement Porter - Band 2 - GH
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Medical Device IM&T Systems Specialist Engineer - Band 6 GH
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
202182 Senior Circular Economy and Waste Minimisation Manager
Royal Edinburgh Hospital
202191 Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner (SNIS)
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
IM&T Facilitator (Prescribing Support Pharmacy Technician) - (GH)
Royal Edinburgh Hospital
202242 R1 Laundry Assistant (SNIS) CP30
St John's Hospital
202277 Job Evaluation Administrator Band 5 Nursing Review
Waverley Gate
202299 GP - Restalrig Park Medical Centre
Restalrig Park Medical Centre
202342 Nurse Team Manager (LAM)
St John's Hospital
202439 Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner
St John's Hospital
202440 Clerical Officer
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
202451 - Point of Care Testing Site Coordinator (AJM)
Various sites
Biomedical Scientist Team Manager
Western General Hospital
202461 Assistant Practitioner
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
202479 Catering Assistant
Astley Ainslie Hospital
NHSL 202480 Housekeeper (LMD)
St John's Hospital
202488 Assistant Production Manager
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
202503 Receptionist Out of Hours
Western General Hospital
202506 - General Manager (AJM)
Royal Edinburgh Hospital
202571 - Locum Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
St John's Hospital
NHSL 202661 Healthcare Scientist in Paediatric Audiology (LAM)
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
NHSL 202671 Receptionist (LAM)
St John's Hospital
202677 Community Nurse Practitioner (KMc)
East Lothian Community Hospital
202682 Consultant in Renal Medicine
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Community Nurse Practitioner - Band 6
East Lothian Community Hospital
202702 Deputy Charge Nurse
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
202703 Newborn Hearing Screener (KMc)
St John's Hospital
Housekeeper - Band 2 - GH
St John's Hospital
202723 Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Grange Medical Group
DO NOT APPLY - DDIT ST Grade - Medical Locum Bank - Internal NHS Lothian Only
DO NOT APPLY - Consultant - Medical Locum Bank - Internal NHS Lothian Only
DO NOT APPLY - DDiT - Medical Locum Bank - Internal NHS Lothian Only
NHSL 201544 Dental Therapist (LI)
NHSL 201563 Dental Therapist (LI)
201434 Prescribing Support Pharmacy Technician
West Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership
201635 Specialist Clinical Pharmacist
202449 Pharmacy Technician
HMP Edinburgh
202707 - Lead Pharmacy Technician (AJM)
NHS Lothian